Welcome to RGM
Innovative technology solutions in a wide range of applications to efficiently respond to customers’ needs, constantly investing in products’ development.
RGM started its activity in 1986 with the design and production of power supplies. During the years, RGM has specialized in development and production of complex custom systems for energy conversion, for a wide range of applications in transportation, hybrid systems and energy storage, industrial and medical markets.
RGM combines the over 35 years experience, a plurality of design and manufacturing competencies, constant attention to product quality and technological innovation.
m² facilities
Models developed
Years experience
Engineers in the R&D
RGM ESAC - energy storage advanced converters
Our advanced power converters designed for next-generation energy storage systems
Product Lines

Visita degli Studenti dell’Istituto Barletti di Ovada in RGM

IPC Certification

EPSMA & PSMA Membership Renewal

Ecovadis Certification

Inauguration of the brand new “Lerma 3” Mechanical Plant

A New Collaboration RGM – GOLLEDGE

Nuovo Brevetto per RGM

Contributo Bando Azione 1.1.3 – efficientamento energetico

RGM riceve l’attribuzione del Rating di Legalità con punteggio ★★+

Comunicazione di Fusione per Incorporazione

New membership! PSMA
What they say about us
Bernard Blackwood
Seven & CO - marketing director
Wow! Commodo egestas, feugiat leo eget ipsum dolor sitvulputate metus vestibulum ipsum.
John Richmond
Seven Consulting - executive director
Super! 300%+ lorem neque mauris et leo ipsum ulvinar lorem neque. Thanx!
Alexander Brown
Seven Creative - marketing director
Lorem metus vestibulum ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit odio nec urna metus vestibulum.
Tiffany Anderson
Seve Media - CEO
Consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Unbelievable!
Maria Green
Seven Dev - marketing director
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus luctu.